Every year our family is blessed to give and receive so many wonderful gifts at Christmas time. It has become something of a tradition in our household to share the abundance that Christmas brings with others that may not be so lucky. So as preparations for Christmas rolls around, we each take the time to chose something special to put under a Giving Tree.
This year we thought that we would like to share this special tradition with our lovely customers. We have teamed up with the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) to create a giving tree of wonderful toys and gifts so that asylum members with children can celebrate this important event with their families.
As you are doing your shop @Dragonflytoys, please consider adding a gift to your basket for a asylum seeker child. Please include a little message as you check out indicating which toys you would like to donate and we will put it under the giving tree. Please also include any messages and wishes you would like us to include on your behalf.
You can also drop in to our shop in Abbotsford Convent and drop off your gift. In mid December, we will take all the toys to the ASRC to be distributed. Thank you for your generosity!